Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Look of the Day: What to do While Waiting..

What to do when waiting for the repair man for six hours...

Start off your day by catching up on emails, blogs and websites. Fix a dress, then do some work online, and tweet until you realize you need to get off the computer!
Do a yoga video OnDemand and then attempt the Bird of Paradise yoga pose that Kath blogged about last night.
Image taken from
Then try to wrap presents (yes I reuse wrapping paper!) but then realize you do not have nearly enough wrapping paper and have to stop.
So then plan out your outfits for the next 2 weeks of Holiday filled get-togethers.
Like this plan will really work...
Walk to 711 to stock up on Lotto tickets for the holiday! We love lotto tickets!
Attempt to clean out your closet but then get distracted by taking "artistic" photo's of your shoe collection.
At 4:00 realize this 8:00 to 2:00 time-line is a lie and finally leave the house!
Look of the day!
Go out and buy more Christmas presents while rocking an awesome hat.
That's right, I said awesome hat.
So Mr. Repair man never came!!! Can you believe that!? Well I had a productive day anyways!


  1. wow amber so many beautiful shoes! love it!

  2. That picture of your shoes is so pretty!

    I also love your outfit, what jacket are you wearing?

  3. Thanks Jenny! J

    J-It is hinge from Nordstrom, but it is from like 2 years ago =(

  4. LOve the hat! Where did you get it? Sorry about the repairman- I would be BEYOND pissed!

  5. OMG LOVE this entry. I love the shoes and I love that hat and I LOVE that you planned out your outfits for 2 weeks! When IS the repair man going to come?

  6. That stinks that it's from so long ago, I love it!

  7. You are the cutest thing!!! Loved this post!!!

  8. Aw thanks girls!!!

    I know J! That sucks =( I have to get better like Chloe and post similar options!

    Tam Pham it's from Urban:,+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=24&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=W_ACC_HATS&popId=WOMENS_ACCESSORIES&prepushId=

  9. Arggg I HATE it when they don't show up. Sounds like you had a fun day though!

    Lotto tickets are a really fun idea. I might get them for a little exchange we're doing.

  10. Your hat is adorable! I lurrrrve it!

  11. LC the Crossword one are the best, the are fun and take longer then regular scratches.

    Thanks anotherfishinthesea!

    Chelsea the outfit planning reminded me of your meal planning!

  12. Love the CL's...still drooling!! Do you wear yours a lot? I have to make myself wear mine, I tend to hoard them instead bc I am so scared I am going to mess them up!!!
    The Birds of Paradise pose is so awesome. I just got this down in the last few classes and I am always so proud when I accomplish it! It is so much easier on my left leg!
    Your hat is faboosh!! And you are a doll! The end!
    and I lol about your outfit calendar! I wish I was smart enough to plan ahead of time. I always get so flustered and rushed during the holidays I always walk out of the door feeling throw together. You have just inspired me to make a plan this year!lol

  13. LOL Brittany i have a few I wear but it is so hard to break the seal on the red! those nude ones in front are one of the ones I wear to events. I definitly have a fe with fresh red soles that i hate to break in!

    Ahh I wish you were cloes so we could yoga together! I only planned out the outfits because I feel like I always forget about things I have and then never wear them! lol. I hate when i forget about awesome things i have

  14. If you ever feel the need to give anything away, I would definitely welcome old clothes with open arms! I wear a 0-2, 26 in jeans, and 8 in shoes. Just in case.
