Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Year in Review: Parties of 2009

It's that time of the year when we can reflect on the past year and look forward to see what the next year holds for us. Throughout this month I am going to be posting some of my favorite things of the past year.
I love throwing parties, as well attending ones (so I can steal ideas). I enjoy preparing menus playlists and parting favors. As well as decorating with lots of fun Martha details. Here are a few of my favorite parties of 2009.

My Pumpkin carving party.

Brew books.
Decorated hutch.

Erlenmeyer flasks for drinks.Jen's sister's engagement party, where I took pictures.

Easter Party

My Niece's Second birthday party.
I can't wait or lots more parties in 2010!


  1. Those cri-cut cut-outs (is that what they're called) for your niece's 2nd birthday are too cute!

  2. Thanks Chelsea I don"t know what to call them either but I sure thought I was clever making them! lol

  3. Can you throw me a party next year? I LOVE YOUR PARTIES!!! (via your blog, 3000 miles away.)
