Saturday, January 2, 2010

Style Icon: I want to be 5' 10" like Cindy Crawford.

Since the passing of Brittany Murphy I have watched Clueless a few times. It had been ages since I watched it and immediately it brought me back to the good old days of shopping at Contempo Casuals and wearing baby tee's (oh my). When the movie came out in 1995 I was 13 and I thought the movie was just awesome. I wanted to be just like Cher. I wanted to drive a jeep, live in Beverly Hills and wear cute outfits like her. Watching the movie today totally brought me back to those days, so much so that I had to dig through some old pictures to find a picture of me wearing Cher Copy Cat Style outfit. If only I could have found one wearing plaid pants, yikes I loved plaid pants back then! Clueless captured a moment in time, and Cher was just a total Betty,
Some of my favorite Cher outfits.
Image from
me taking pictures of my TV
me taking pictures of my TV
Image from

Image from
And Thirteen year old me, rocking my best Cher Copy Cat Style outfit.
Isn't my outfit classic? (Clueless reference)
To see my Brittany Murphy Style Icon post click here.


  1. You still had it, even back then! ;-D

    Taking pictures of your tv again?

    I didn't realize you were 3 years younger than me. Der. You don't act it!

  2. LOL!!! I tried to edit right after I posted but my internet has been down! I was 13 not 12! So 2 years younger then??

    And yes I have a taking pics of my tv problem....Casey wasn't home so I was able to get away with it haha

  3. I remember seeing this in the theaters and wanting her closet SO bad!

  4. cher's clothes are awesome. when i worked on a show with alicia silverstone a few years ago i was tempted to steal her wardrobe during my costume fitting.

  5. Now I want to watch this movie...I only have it on VHS though! Haha!!

    I remember watching that movie every day the summer I was 15. Ah, memories.

  6. OMG Jen haha!! VHS how dated does that ake the movie feel?

    OMG Lynn that is AWESOME!! How cool!

    Glad you all felt the same way about Cher as I do =)

  7. I loved that movie too!:) You look so cute! I didn't have any style sense back then!

  8. Contempo Casuals, I totally remember that store.

    I have loved this movie since it came out. I have wanted and will even admit still do sometimes want Cher's closet.
