Friday, May 13, 2011

Quotes I Love: Mistakes

quote by albert einstein, picture by me
If only Blogger tried something new. I was hoping after my blog host Blogger was down for day, it would come back with some awesome updates. Instead it just ate some totally radical posts I made, like a DIY post on a sequined tank and a outfit post that didn't posted yet (which now needs to be rewritten). What blog host do you use? Any advice for switching hosts? Did Blogger screw you over too?
I'll be back in a bit with that outfit post...I hope...


  1. seems you werent the only one! I have your DIY sequin tank in my google reader.... do you want me to C&P into an email to send you so you can repost???

  2. omg thank you Erinn! I just found it in my google reader! THANK YOU! Now I just have to rewrite one post. Life saver you are!! <3

  3. love this quote. so true!

    xoxo, Bree

  4. Great quote!

    Blogger is working to restore all of the missing posts.

  5. Love that picture and the quote.
    I use Tumblr and and I love it. But we also had issues last weekend. And like at the end of last week, my comment system was disabled and I didn't even notice. I had to reinstall the template and rewrite some of the custom code I had put in there. It wasn't complicated but annoying.

  6. OH! Phew. I could not figure out why my last dress post was gone, I thought I had a virus. LAME.

  7. Right!! I know! I thought maybe we'd get a new comment feature or something...stupid blogger. I hope your posts come back!

    Live Life in Style
