I love being able to walk everywhere.
The farmers market, Trader Joes and Cassandra's house are all within walking distance. And I enjoy walking home with my bags of groceries, or heading to Cassandra's to watch the Bachlorette and having a glass or two (or four) and being able to walk home.
It makes me feel kinda European and very much like a city girl. Most importunely it reminds me of being a kid and walking to school and walking down to Mandy's house. In those days my life the most important things in my life were within walking distance.Plus it's been a great way to meet people down here.
Some of my FAVORITE people here in Hollywood are the ones I met walking.
SPECIAL SHOUT TO: Beatrice from the Mondrian, Julianna from Lencieria (CHECK HER Bikini & Lingerie BOUTIQUE OUT!!), Bob Ross, Blaire and the rest of the Crew, Zach & Jill at The London, Black at The Lounge and so many more!!
When I walk down the block it's fun to have people that know your name an to say hi to. Reminds me of being back at home, where everyone knows everyone (and everyone Business...)
I adored growing up in the suburbs. And I couldn't have asked for better hometown then Pleasant Hill. But I always longed to live in a city, shockingly it took me 30 years to make the move and it's been FUN adjusting.
I actually spend most of time here in LA solo, which hasn't been the worst thing. At times i feel almost monk-like reading, writing and working on my art. And that "me" time has allowed me to understand that i can be happy all alone and that i don't need ANYONE to define my happiness.
I suppose I learned from my mother you can be perfectly happy and content by yourself. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with people (i like to PARTY, DUH) but I have never spent this much time on my own and, well, it's pretty nice.
Love meeting new friends down here and forming new relationships down here!!
my new LA friends!! Jenna, Mollie Mary & Molly. SO grateful them!! xoxo
Although all my alone time makes for a pretty egotistical instgram timeline, i just like to think of it as getting my Frieda on...
I mean she the original "selfie" artista.
a moment alone when i allowed the "lonely" to creep in, and i fight loneliness with social media.
Always remember to make time for YOURSELF.
You may actually, be missing YOU.
my instagram (screen name: Ambersnotebook) Look of the Day outfit shots are kind of a throw back to my original "faceless" Look of The Day posts...
I was...
remember you're never too old for Barbie pink sheets and a tiara... which was given to my by a valet - made my day!
and I'm glad i'm back.
But my improving, growing, exploring and changing will never stop.
There's always room for improvement ... and I still have a lot of improving to do!!
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