Thursday, August 28, 2014

PEN & Story TELLER … Making Magic Happen

I moved to LA for a dream. A dream of telling stories & sharing them with people. Stories teach lessons. Stories inspire people. Stories are my favorite. If you ever sit me down and get me to open up i'll probably won't stop telling stories & theories to you. It's probably my favorite thing to do, so i moved down to LA where story telling is the name of the game. The Music, Movie & Television industries are story telling machines & i can't wait to tell my story & the story of others in all sorts of mediums.

I got into the public story telling game online & that is always my go-to. If you follow my twitter & instagram it's a glimpse at some of the stories i tell. it's a perspective of the world from my point of view. And since moving to LA i have emerged myself in the Entertainment business & studying the ways of artistic story telling.

Back in April (at my three month sober mark) I applied to James Franco's Playhouse West Studio 4 acting school & i have been studying there ever since. At Studio Four I have not only found my confidence in being an actor (a confidence i was petrified of for awhile) but i have also found a lovely & ever growing family of artists like me, who share the love of story telling. And being surrounded by artists & fellow story stores has finally given me a sense of HOME here in LA. Plus it's given me AMAZING opportunities like auditioning for Rabbit Bandini Productions (AKA James Frano's Production Company) projects.

There is so much i want to do & still so many stories i want to tell & write. And just in case you listening universe: I want to act (and eventually direct, produce, screen write) in amazing movies (I really want to bring old school glamour back & be in some westerns!!!). I also would love a behind the scenes special on like HBO or something, cuz i drop F-Bombs a lot & smoke pot. I also REALLY want have a country/rap music album. Lastly, I'd love a  magazine column, a book deal & a fashion line at some point.

I'm on that mogul game & I'm just taking in everything I can by this wonderful land of LA filled with dreamers, doers & story tellers.

So as my Dad always told me about living life "write your story."

& that's what I'm working on.

So let me ask you, what's your story?

Now let's all go out write our own stories. And make them REALLy good!! You inspire me & maybe I can inspire you.

LOVE Y'ALL & Happy Thursday!!

…. at the 2014 HBO emmy after party … just manifesting HBO cameras  following me around ….