Saturday, April 10, 2010

Things I Love: Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Yesterday was the perfect weather for a day at the Ball park and the game was really good as well! It lasted 13 innings before the Giants won, WOooHooo! We had blast eating ball park fare and hooting and hollering it up for our team. Here are some of pictures from the day.
f i r s t. o f. m a n y

f a n s. f o r. l i f e

t h e. c r e w
f u l l. h o u s e
l e t s. g o. g i a n t s
b i r t h d a y. b o y
b a l l p a r k. f o o d
o b v i o u s l y. k e t c h u p
Super busy today! I am off to get ready for a bridal shower and then watching the game tonight! Have a great Saturday!


  1. Those Gilroy garlic fries are the best! No comment on the rest of the Giants' stuff ;)

  2. I absolutely LOVE MLB games! Although, my favorite team is the Yankees...can we still be friends? ;)

  3. Looks like a perfect day :)

  4. Great pictures amber! I need to work on my photography skills. We have a canon rebel, but my husband usually uses it.

  5. I mean... I don't know about youuu but I *always* wear my sequin cardigan to the ballgame. Homeruns gravitate towards something shiny. :)

  6. LOL at the ketchup! What a great day for a ballgame :) Love the pictures gettin me all pumped up for a Phillies game now...

  7. I love the pandas reflected in his sunglasses!

  8. haha Shana!

    Love Little Nest, I cheer for the Yanks because my friend Wendy is a huge fan. It's only going down if we both make it the world series ;)

    LOL Suzy!

    It was andi! =)

    Thank you Kelly-I wish my Husband used it more! I even bought him his own and he still isn't very good at it. LOL.

    Haha Kristen!! I like that theory!

    Haha Ehayes-Casey thought it was really funny that I was taking "artistic pictures of ketchup.

    Amber K. hehe that is what I like about that picture too.

  9. LOVE the pix! That park is great! We loved it when we went last year.

  10. Amber it looks like you had a blast! I saw the ticket and did a double take--the Braves are my home team!

  11. looks like so much fun amber! and that food looks to die for... haha!

  12. GO BRAVES! JK I still love your blog.
