Monday, January 10, 2011

Things I love: Lovely Ladies

On Friday Night I went to a Bay Area Blogger's meet-up and I met a bunch of fabulous, fashionable and friendly ladies -- who I share at least one thing in common with: blogging and reading blogs. It was so nice to meet so many ladies I felt as if I already knew, like, Laura (OnTheRacks), and Taylor (Sterling Style). As well as meet bloggers I didn't previously follow like Katie (sweetest girl ever!) and Caitlin (felt like I knew the second I meet her). As well as SO many others! I can't wait for another meet-up!
Thanks to Taylor, Catilin and Katie and everyone else for organizing!
Laura, Myself and, The Art of Style SF

Some of the other lovely ladies that I chatted with:

I didn't get to say hi to everyone but that only gives me something to look forward to at the next meet-up!!


  1. How fun! It's always exciting to chat with other bloggers! Love it!

  2. I wish I lived closer to all of my surrounding cities (Boston NYC) so I could participate in these types of meetups. Always such a blast!
    xo Lynzy

  3. Wow, such a large meetup! I wish we had these in my area!

  4. Thanks for the shout-out! It was great meeting you too! Hopefully we will have another get together soon :)

  5. Such a pretty picture! I was so jealous of all you ladies getting together, makes me wish I lived on the west coast!

  6. Rosa- I know it's fun to meet people in real life, or meet people who you immediatly can talk a commen interest!

    Thanks Suzy!

    Lynzy_ where are you located, I've seen even mid west meetups, keep you eye out for bloggers in your area! reach out to people and let them know you want to meet up! Same to you Kirstin!

    KC-Nice to meet you to!!

    Thanks Makenzie! Funny because I always thought there were more midwesy/east coast bloggers!

  7. It was such a fun night!

    On a unrelated note...
    the picture in your banner is gorgeous, I love every detail.

  8. How fun to have those meet-ups!!

  9. I wish there was one of these blogger meet ups in my area! Looks like you have fun!

  10. Thanks anna! That was from last New year's Eve!

    It was nice to meet you! You are so glam!

    MJ and Lu hop you girls find meet-ups to attend soon!

  11. Such a fun night! Can't wait for the next one!

  12. Loved the blogger meet up, it was so fun to chat with people who have similar interests. We should definitely have another meet up soon!


  13. Yay!! Thanks for sharing the pic - love it.

  14. hehe i'd love it if somebody volunteered to arrange the next blogger meet up! btw love the shredded sweater in the post below <3


  15. Awe what a cute picture! It was so nice to meet you ;)

  16. I live in the new jersey new york area and I wish i could have a blogger meet up over here!

  17. I love meeting other bloggers. If they benefit work & play- great. But, if they become a lifelong friend- SO LUCKY! Maybe you have met one at this event. :-)

    Since I started blogging, I have met a wonderful friend named Stephanie Fraide: writer of, "social media mogul" for Whole Earth, "stylist" for magazine's and local Austin boutiques, among other talents... we have become fast friends. Starting a blog is one thing, but reaching out to like-minded ppl is another. So glad i did.

    Friends are the family you choose.

    xo glad you are having a fun time. Thanks for sharing this. I' appreciate your post and getting some insight into what's on your side!

    xo Allison

    Good Post!
