Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pretty for my Kitty

I love etsy, I could many hours searching for all the goodies that people have for sale on there. My most recent purchase is a tag for my kitty from Tiny Tokens Designs which I just love! It is so cute, just perfect for Pennie (my BF gave her the nick name Lola LOL!). It sort of matches the "C" I wear on my neck made by esty seller amycornwell. SO many fun things on etsy, and I have only begun my obsession with it.

LOL just came across THIS randomness!!

If you have any favorite sellers or items I would love to know!

Pennie's Pretty(phone number blurred):
My similar tag:


  1. My puppy's name is PENNY!! :)

    My next creature will be named LALEH..

  2. Oh how cute! I still love my Amy Cornwell necklace too. Have a great day!

  3. OMg Kelsey so funny you pet is Penny(ie) toooooo!
