My twenties were QUITE the decade for me & I "crossed" a lot of things off my "List".
I graduated college, got my teachers credential, and completed my masters & wrote a Thesis (on using Positive Management tool; in fact).
I had a serious boyfriend.
I got engaged.
Got married at 24 (August 11th 2006) & at 29 (on February 14th, 2012) I got divorced.
I traveled the world.
I perfected my cooking, gardening, flower arrangeing and well re-did a house.
I got my Martha Stewart on; you might say.
At 23 I bought a house, I invested money and after 29 & 1/2 years of living in the BAY AREA I picked up my life and moved to Hollywood and moved into my first apartment.
I was a nanny.
I was a teacher.
I was a fashion editor.
I was a blogger.
and i was an artist.
And now I am brand developing,
or a Brand AMBassador as Val Kahl refers to me as.
I even faced near death when I struggled and fought off a terrible bout of pneumonia.
So now today I have 30 days left until I'm THIRTY and well, I like to think I will OFFICIALLY be a GAW (Grown Ass Women), if I'm not one already.
I'll be living these last 30 days in my Twenties UP like CRAY.
I've NEVER been SO excited for a birthday in my life.
Turning 30 feels like the best I have ever given. I have never felt so happy, motivated, energized and well YOUNG.
And let's be honest... I haven't been single on my birthday since I was 20
so umm... HEY BOYS ;)
This birthday girl already knows what she gonna be wishing for when those 30 candles get blown out.
So here goes nothing!!
Watch me on twitter, Facebook and INSTAGRAM to see how I'll be blowing this place up in the next THIRTY days.
Not much has changed since I was twenty really... I mean I was always the party animal looking to get into FUN!

I think Twenty Year old Amber would be PRETTY jealous (& PROUD of) of Twenty nine year old amber soon to-be Thirty Year old AMBER!!!
and a VERY MERRY unbirthday to YOU!!!