Hope your weekend was good too!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter 2009 Recap
We had a fun and casual Easter celebration this past Easter. Some egg coloring, hunting and fresh veggie eating went down . I was pretty excited to put out my vintage egg holder, that I found antiquing. We went pretty basic with our eggs this year, nothing fancy. But something tells me I am a bit old to get this excited about hunting for eggs:

Hope your weekend was good too!

Hope your weekend was good too!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Go Giants!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Background Noise
I had a ton of school work I planned to get through tonight and I got a lot done! I love getting a jump start on the quarter. I set up my study area, free of distractions. I had a lot of reading to get through. I had planned to read out side in the afternoon, but as mother nature had planned rain, which we desperately needed, but put a damper on my relaxing study plans. Instead I put out some candles and flowers and set up shop inside. The rain played a great part in my studying environment, I need background knowledge noise when I am studying, today the rain, thunder, lighting and even hail accompanied my study time.
My study area for today:
The view over the top of my computer.
The rain going strong.
Can you see the white lines on the fence? That's the rain. My hail pictures did not turn out, but we welcomed all the precipitation, it was desperately needed! And I love the sound of rain!
My study area for today:
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Holly Golighty
It was nice and sunny out today so I rocked my new cat eye RayBan's which made me feel oh so Holly Golighty. C was not a fan of my new shades and told me I looked very Tom Cruise in Risky Business. But I'm pretty sure is he had seen Breakfast at Tiffany's before he would have likened me to Holly Golightly....
photo credit

Opening Day
Baseball begins this week and I cannot wait. I started my week off watching C play some Sunday Softball. My mom, Dad Micheal and I watched a few games in the the sun today. Which was nice since I was cooped up in a classroom all day yesterday. I am defiantly need a telephoto lens for game days, this one just doesn't cut it. After watching all the games today I am pretty amped up for the Giants opening day! Go Giants!

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Does that make my water dumb?
Those of you that know me, know I am vehemently against plastic water bottles, and plastic pretty much in general. Anyways, one of C's friend's is a distributor for vitamin water and he brought over a few cases of smart water for us to sample. I figured it would be good to have on hand in the garage for emergencies or for guests. Note: this is not something I would purchase myself but after seeing many celebrities like Jennifer Anniston drinking smart water I got curious and wanted to try it out. So today I grabbed a bottle on my way out to the gym. It was pretty good, but while I was sweating away on the elliptical hydrating myself, I did not notice anything special about. In fact I even forgot I was drinking the special water until the dude on the next machine over asked me if he was drinking dumb water, since mine was so smart. Can't help you there buddy, but as far I'm concerned my filtered water in a refillable bottle seems pretty darn smart to me =)
go green
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Back to Reality
Spring break is over, so back it's back to classes for me. I have class Monday, Wednesday nights and all day Saturday(only 4 times though), yuck. When I am in school I am at work all day then straight to school so I have not time to eat. Therefore, I need quick dinners I can throw together quick and easy when I get home. Tonight's dinner is a variation of a tortilla soup I sampled at Trader Joes, love their samples! Basically I just threw a Box of roasted red pepper, tomato soup, black beans, Trader joe's corn and Chile tomato-less salsa in a pot and heated it through. I topped it off with fresh cilantro, avocado cubes and some Fage. Pretty yummy!
With the new quarter starting I made my regular begining of the quarter checklist of assignments. I like to check off my assignments as I finish them(early!). I also made a few doodles, don't worry I only doodled when we reviewed the syllabus, well maybe during some of the power point ;)
Tortilla soup ingredients:

With the new quarter starting I made my regular begining of the quarter checklist of assignments. I like to check off my assignments as I finish them(early!). I also made a few doodles, don't worry I only doodled when we reviewed the syllabus, well maybe during some of the power point ;)
Tortilla soup ingredients:
I Luv Tulips
Spring break, daylights saving time, and tulips. Spring time is great, got to love it. This year most of the bulbs in my backyard got eaten by the squirrels =( but I still had a few beauties pop up. They won't be around long but I love to enjoy them while they are here, and once they leave I know it's time for summer vegetable gardening...yum! I love tulips, don't they just make you smile?
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