I mean everyone goes to parties and wears sparkly dress right? YUP! Even Dr. Barbie & Race Car Barbie. To be honest I never even owned a Ken (my Barbies were NOT heterosexual but that's another story...LOL).
In any case while I love clothes and shopping when I make purchases I make LIFETIME purchases. And i'm not sure if that means my lifetime or there's but either way Imma gonna wear my clothes till I die or they do. I follow trends but really I wear and buy things that look good on me and that i L-O-V-E.
I have certain brands that I know will fit me no mater what. I'm loyal and not just with brands...
Louboutin, Elizabeth & James, Haute Hippe, J BRAND, and Free People are all go-to brands for me. I know they're gonna fit. Honestly I hate returning & I hate trying on clothes. 99% of the time I know whether or not something will fit or not and 99% of the time I love a piece and I'm going to hang on to it forever. I RARELY give clothes away. I'm a collector and that's how I fell about my clothes. I mean all girls need to own 150 dresses... RIGHT? I mean if Barbie taught me anything it's that pretty Blonde (and ALL ladies) can be anything thhey want and shit... They can never have enough dresses or High heels.
Here are some pieces I could add to my "LIFETIME" Collection:
Click to be linked
I could rock this on the red carpet & I think I'd make barbie proud.
everyone would know "Who's dat girl" if I rocked this.
No need to "put a ring on it" I'll put my own ring on. And preferably on my middle finger, I LOVE "flip-off" rings...
I don't wear anything but Loubotins. I DIG his designs. Maybe one day I'll get a pair of Jimmy Choos, but until then I'll KILL my feet and ROCK my red soles. Martha taught me well, even if she Shapries over the FLASHY red. I'm a FLASHY kinda girl. Learned that from BAR-BEE.
And since we're talking barbie check out this picture my GIRL Brooke Goff drew. Radical right? SO proud of her for making the decision to go to Art School. Girl's got TALENT!

So what are you loyal to? Tell me please...