Monday, June 15, 2015

REFLECTIONS: the 33rd Degree Initiation

yesterday i celebrated my 33rd birthday.  not gonna lie it's kinda crazy to me. i mean i feel just as young as i ever have, i don't know what "old" feels like. & as wild as it is for me to imagine that i am older then both my parents when i arrived on this planet, i am very much at peace at where i am with my life. 

The past 5 birthdays have been rough. My 28th birthday i spent sick, my 29 i spent crying & miserable that i was stuck in a life i wasn't meant for. Year 30 i had culture shock being single in LA.
31, well, we can just forget that one, & 32 was sweet but it was spent at a friends wedding.

but yesterday my 33rd was THE BEST birthday i've had in SO long. I mean on some levels it's weird to celebrate such an "adult" age in the midst of a life overhaul but the amount of love i was showered with yesterday let's me know this is THE PATH i am supposed to be on.

When you are surrounded by love you're always in the right spot. THANK YOU to all who sent me wishes and LOVE on my birthday!!! Y'all made this Gemini REAL happy!! 

My day as "birthday girl" started with some quality time at my favorite place on earth the beach. Malibu always makes me feel SO loved!! 

After my beach meditation and mind clearing session, Cassandra and i headed to the PRIDE parade in weho … I rocked American Flag regalia in honor of #flagday … the parade was wild !! 
i owe SO much to my LA transition to this one!! LOVE YOU Cassandra!! 
after the parade we headed to the Sunset Marquis. "the Marquis" is one of my very favorite spots in LA and i love the ambiance and the staff there SO much!! it was lovely to ring in my new year with LOVE!

We bounced around the sunset strip from there … I mean I'm kinda obsessed with the strip and always have been. pretty Mollie came to meet us for snacks and laughs.

and seeing this one's LIFE journey aka Fairytale unfold before my eyes as I've lived down in LA has been one of my FAVORITE things ever

I was pretty happy to say the least! we stropped at several places to blow out candles & make birthday wishes! 

 and then i watched the warriors game … watching basketball on my birthday?? um this like never happens!!! gotta LOVE Steph Curry!!!  SO blessed to see my team playin in the finals!!! #MVP
my roll girl came by to celebrate from there and we got drama nerdy and we reconnected like old times. LOVE YA MAGALI!! 
the sparks were flying for me & my night was pretty magical !! this much love in my life is my light guide … 

always make sure to follow your light and listen to your heart. it'll talk to ya and guide you where to go …