My friend Vanessa and I decided to make a GAW aka Grown Ass Woman (something I was recently called) night of it and go out for dinner and a movie. Well me, being me, I couldn't help but try to attempt my best Marilyn inspired look for the occasion. It was a lipstick, curler and lingerie (who cares if no one is going to see them, you'll feel like a lady!) kind of night for sure. Oh and extra mascara, eyeliner and heels, just like Marilyn.
Just like Marilyn.
When Marilyn wasn't wriggling around in tight dresses or posing for the camera she always wore something classic, ladylike and, well, slightly conservative. My Rag & Bone button up blouse seemed to fit the bill. Although my curls fell, there was something about the dramatic side part and flouncy blonde waves that made me feel, well, like a GAW.
When Marilyn wasn't wriggling around in tight dresses or posing for the camera she always wore something classic, ladylike and, well, slightly conservative. My Rag & Bone button up blouse seemed to fit the bill. Although my curls fell, there was something about the dramatic side part and flouncy blonde waves that made me feel, well, like a GAW.
The lipstick might have helped too.
Steve Madden Booties
This 6 year old jacket seemed perfectly GAW.
and may I recommend my fave brand Wacoal/B Tempted for lingerie (and if you've never been fitted for a bra I HIGHLY recommend it).
And if Santa is reading this, I'll take anything out of the Nordstrom December Lingerie catalog.

There's something to be said for the old Glamourous Hollywood Movie Stars and their elegant, graceful and ladylike ways. I don't see that enough in Hollywood these days. Michelle Williams, however, does have that grace; and I thought she did an excellent job as Marilyn, particularly in the scenes when Marilyn was herself, away from the camera. I definitely recommend checking My Week With Marilyn out.
Some of the things I took away from the movie:
Positive energy is so incredibly powerful AND it's infectious.
Believing in people and looking for the good in them can help you see the good in yourself.
We should all have a cheerleader {or a whole squad of them} and you should never stop cheering other people on, it'll make you feel good as well as them.
Movie Stars & famous people are just like you & me and we all have insecurities.
Glamour & Grace never go out of style.