It's that time of the year again. Autumn! I love everything about it, the leaves turning colors,and breaking out boots and sweaters (I can pretend it's cold in California when I have to blast the air
conditioning). Also enjoying the fall festivals and activities.
Oktoberfests, pumpkin patches, apple picking and Art and Wine festivals. The latter being in full force in Northern California right now. I love the unique crafts and
jewelry treasures I find at Art and Wine fests. This usually marks the beginning of my Christmas shopping. Art and Wine festivals are the perfect place to find unique presents. This past weekend I enjoyed a local Art and Wine fest stroll with one of my best friends and her mom. We found some great
treasures. One of our favorite booths was that of an artist who made the most amazing pieces out of wire. His
pieces were so original we knew we had to buy something. When I found the "Love" sign
language piece, I knew I found the perfect
Christmas present for my dad.
My Dad has always traveled for business. When I was growing up he was away weekly, since he was away so often he would send me postcards from everywhere he traveled to. I soon got used to receiving 2, or 3 postcards a week. To this day I look forward to the postcards I receive weekly from my Dad. On the rare occasion he is not traveling he will send me a postcard from the city where he lives (a mere 45 minutes from where I live). Every postcard he has ever sent me is signed with "Dad" and a sketch of a the sign
language sign for Love. This wire piece made by Stein
Hoiland was the perfect for my Dad. Check out his website his pieces are amazing. Although the pics online do not do his pieces justice.