Sunday, May 30, 2010
Giveaway: Extension
I am still at the hospital and will be here here until at least tomorrow. So I am going to extend the entry date for the giveaway of 1 OF 2 EARHOOKs by joypeckjoy until Monday May 31st at Midnight PST. Good luck ladies and thank you for all the well wishes. Xoxo
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Look of the Day: Admitted

Thank you for all your well wishes ladies, it means so much! Unfortunatly after coming back to the hospital for some follow up blood tests I landed myself back in the ER.I guess when you start puking in the hospital bathroom and the nurse has to pick you up, they call in "the Team" to pick you up, strap you on a gurney and run you down the hall. I had my personal security getting people out of the way as "The Team" ran me down the hall. Um really embarrassing. Anyways to sum it up I've been at the hospital since 9:30 this morning and I am admitted for the night. Sweet, anyone know anything good on TV once this Giants game is over? Anyways here's to me getting out of here tomorrow and y'all doing lots of fun things so I have pretty pictures to look at an fun posts to read!
look of the day
Friday, May 28, 2010
Look of the Day:ER
So I have been complaining that I have been sick all week and I sure was right. On my way home last night I started having a coughing attack, was very short of breath and had extreme pain in my chest. I had lost all color in my lips and face when I arrived home so Casey rushed me to the ER and I was immediatly admitted under chest pain. After two hours of blood tests, heart monitors, an EKG, Xrays and an IV it was determined I had a bad case of pneumonia. I am now back home resting but looks like I'll be couch potato-ing it up this Memorial day weekend. Please go out and have lots of fun so I can live vicariously through you and will have lots of reading material. I am too sick to sit up and us my computer but my iPhone is getting me through my day. I can't wait until I am back up wearing normal clothes! I felt pretty Darth Vader last night. Oh and to top it off Casey has strep throat, nice.

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Things I love: Ponytails
N w let me preface this by mentioning I have no affiliation with Twistband I just REALLY love their products. I am big ponytail girl and I always wear my hair in them. Which means I am always on the hunt for the best ponytail hair ties, and I think I finally have found them. I first mentioned these adorable hairbands in this post and why I originally purchased them. I just ordered my second batch and I think they are just too cute. I wear them stacked on my wrists and I get compliments on them all the time, and everyone always asks where I got them. And I swear they have done so much for my hair. Unlike other hairbands they don't cause breakage in my hair, and I am certain they would be good for all hair types, thin like mine or super thick. Oh and the price for the amount I purchased was about $10 less then the ones is hawking. And lastly I never lose them like I used to with regualr hair ties, and for me that is saying A LOT!
ShopBop's Version $45 for four.
For some other cute ponytail accessories (I love dangly earring and ponytails) check out the current giveaway I am hosting!
For some other cute ponytail accessories (I love dangly earring and ponytails) check out the current giveaway I am hosting!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Flowers of the Week: Couch Potato
I made a bunch of flower arrangements this week that I planned to scatter all through out the house, but then I got sick and my flowers have remained on my coffee table right in front of my couch. Which isn't all bad, because since I have been sick I have spent most of my time on the couch. Ever since I was child my Mom always set me up on the couch when I was sick and I still do that to this day. The husband like it because then he can keep the bedroom, that bathroom and his dude room a germ-free zones. Does anyone else do this? At least I can enjoy my flowers hidden behind my mounds of Kleenex, Vitamin Water bottles, Nyquil and my netti pot.
My View:

My View:
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Things I love: Glee + Gaga
Well I thought that tonight's show was pretty cool, I only wished there was more Gaga/Glee jams. But Poker face was sweet and I loved the whole "embrace what makes you different" message of the show. Well it's also hard for me not love the episode since I am such a big Gaga and Glee fan. Oh and did you catch me as an extra? Well not really but my DIY Halloween costume would have fit right in.
Things I love: Online Friends
I have been an internet addict for years now. And I have many friends who I have become very close with after meeting them online. My friend Wendy and I met on an online fashion forum and we have met up twice now for shopping trips in LA. Courtney, Nicole, Erynn and Kara (that latter two I have met on more then one occasion) are all girls I met online long before any of us had blogs. Chelsea and I first met in person and stayed in contact via out blogs. Another online friend of mine, who serves a a great blog mentor, is J from the Look 4 Less. Even Jen I knew long before her super successful blog and photography site. I have plans to meet Jen this summer and I can't wait! Modest as she, Jen was recently featured in a local magazine and only posted a small blurb about it on her fast moving blog.
But I am so proud of her! It is also the first time my blog url has made it into to print, which was such an AMAZING surprise! Thank you Jen and keep up the hard work. You have come so far this year even with the downfalls you have had to face this year!!
Her feature even made the cover!!
The photog was going for a Catfight on the red carpet look in this picture.
Looking good! And if you look closely you can see what blogs Jen shouted out. Thank you jen!
And while we are talking about blog shout outs I just wanted to thank the Charity Fashion Show Website for siting my blog post on their event, on their press page!
Yay for Online Friends turned real friends, blog shout outs and blog giveaways! Have you entered my latest one?
But I am so proud of her! It is also the first time my blog url has made it into to print, which was such an AMAZING surprise! Thank you Jen and keep up the hard work. You have come so far this year even with the downfalls you have had to face this year!!
Her feature even made the cover!!

And while we are talking about blog shout outs I just wanted to thank the Charity Fashion Show Website for siting my blog post on their event, on their press page!

blog shoutout,
charity fashion show,
look 4 less,
online friends,
Monday, May 24, 2010
Look of the Day: So Hot We'll Melt Your Popsicle
I love The Bay, Like I Love LA
I am a California girl, born and raised. So it's no surprise when Katy Perry's California Gurls comes on, I turn the radio up a few notches and bump it a little louder. The song is not only hella catchy but it is a shout out to the State I have resided in for 27 years. And that home state pride was the same mentality I had behind the purchase of this shirt Truly Madly Deeply Shirt, purchased from Urban (I bought it last week, but I already don't see it on the website). It was the perfect shirt to wear on a lazy Sunday when I was feeling kind of sick. And I am still feeling sick, not cool.
My Earing are from the Etsy boutique Petal and Pink.
My Earing are from the Etsy boutique Petal and Pink.

Yay for Katy Perry, Summer Jams and Loving where you are from!
GIVEAWAY: Joy Peck Joy Boutique's Moonstones Earhooks
For my latest giveaway JoyPeck Joy Boutique has generously offered to give away not one but two pairs of her moonstones earhooks seen here: and and 2 sets of USD$5 vouchers to her boutique!
For two additional entries you can:
1. Follow my blog via blogger and leave a message that you became a follower of (if you already a follower please leave an additional comment stating this).
2. Tweet about @Ambersnotebook's necklace giveaway and Copy and paste your tweet in an additional comment (please be sure to include @Ambersnotebook and giveaway link.)
*Please leave additional comments for any of the two additional ways to enter. Combined comments will be only be counted as one entry.
You have until Sunday May 30th Midnight PST to enter.
The Winner will be announced Monday May 31st.
blog giveaway,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Look of the Day: Boohoo, We Want to Have our Appendix Out Too!
Yesterday Casey, Jen and myself hit up the local sports restaurant to watch the A's and Giants rivalry. As a Giants fan, it was a pretty hard game to watch but it fun to split a pitcher and a salad while watching some good old Bay Area sports. Since the weather has been sunny but really cool I rocked an Urban Top, Jbrand Jeggings, my Debroah Frye boots, and I even needed to throw on my Joie Rumour leather jacket on. But the highlight of my outfit was my bow clip from Urban Outfitters. I felt a like a mix of Minnie mouse and Madeline. I loved those books as kid. I wanted to be a little French Girl like Madeline, and clearly I wanted my appendix out just like Madeline. I definitely need more of these clips!

look of the day,
urban outfitters
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Haul of the Week: Mom's Know Best
I am pretty routine, every Saturday I hit up the gym to meet my friend for a circuit training class and then we hit the treadmills for some incline walking and gossiping. After that I hit up the farmers market to meet my Mom. My Mom is extremely into healthy clean eating, she has taught me so much over the years. It is fun to peruse the farmers market with her, while she gives me her opinion on different vegetables. These days I read my own health articles and am able to give insight on things as well , like how I plan to cook the fava beans I purchased. It's such a relaxing and healthy way to start the weekend.
For once I have no plans so we shall see where this weekend takes me. Anyone have fun plans this weekend?
In the mix: Rainbow chard, tomatoes, zucchini, yellow beets, cherries, strawberries, cilantro, spinach tortilla's, asparagus and fava beans.
For once I have no plans so we shall see where this weekend takes me. Anyone have fun plans this weekend?
famers market,
haul of the week,
Friday, May 21, 2010
Flowers of the Week: Chasing Dasies
Like I mentioned in my previous post, the weather has felt like anything but May. It looks like is may be a litte nicer out there today. Well at least my spring mix of flowers and staying inside out of the cold and sprinkles makes it feel a little more like May. I am hoping the weather makes it way back to spring be for Memorial Day because I want to be outside on my three Day weekend. Only a week away!

Yay for Flowers, Fridays and Fun ! Hmm a flower Friday may be fun..
flowers of the week,
gerbera daisies
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Look of the Day: Return to Sender, Address Unknown.
No such person, no such zone.
Ever had a week that just flew by and you didn't get anything done? That is how I feel this week. It's Thursday, May 20th, and it feels like anything but Thursday, and this week has felt like anything but May. I just took my first look of the day picture of the week, and it's too bad because I had some cute outfits that probably won't (well I hope) get worn again, because I hope this weather doesn't stay around. The weather man actually just said it is the first time NorCal has not hit a 90' temperature in May since 1971, really weird weather! Now, as for not getting anything done this week. Casey comes home before me, so he gets the mail and sorts it,and leaves my pile on the table and check it when I get home. When I am busy and it starts to pile up he moves it to my desk, and he knows I will check it then, because that is where I take my Look of the Day pictures. Well let's just say, I am just now sorting through my stuff.Trying to make some room for myself...
look of the day
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Style Inspiration: Bikini Alert Bizirk
I haven't taken outfit pictures the last two days, partly because it has been rainy and gloomy, and I over that weather. And partly because I have been hitingt up the gym before coming home and taking pictures of my outfits ( I am more likely to go if I go right after work, rather then coming home and finding "better" things to do). It's that time of year where my workouts are amped up. As Jen and I like to call it, it's Bikini Alert Bizerk season. I suppose when I start thinking of hosting pool parties in my backyard, my motivation sets in. Not that I don't always think it important to work out but this time of the year I actually enjoy being "up in the gym just working on my fitness (He's my Witness)". The following pictures found via We Heart it are my current motivation pictures, not because they are Victoria Secret Model perfect, but because they are confident women working it. Oh and because I love Retro Bathing suits!

i heart it,
On the hunt,
style inspiration
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Things I Love: Summer Soups
I love soups. In the winter I really enjoy making soups, it is one of my favorite things to do on a cold Sunday. Chilled summer soups are also a favorite of mine. When I was at the gym the other day, I started craving a chilled cucumber soup. I used some ideas from several recipes to concoct my own hybrid version. Mots recipes I found used Greek Yogurt, I ended up using half an avocado to make my soup raw and vegan have a creamy consistently. I will be making this often during the hot summer.
In the mix: one peeled and chopped English cucumber, 1 celery stock chopped, 1/2 avocado, approximately just less then 1/4 cup chopped red onion, one garlic clove, small handful of cilantro, one seeded and de-veined jalapeno, lemon juice and Himalayan salt to taste. All blended until smooth.
I also made some fresh salsa to stir into my soup. One tomato, one garlic clove, 1/4 cup red onion, cilantro and half a jalapeno, lemon juice and Himalayan salt to taste all thrown in my food processor.
In the mix: one peeled and chopped English cucumber, 1 celery stock chopped, 1/2 avocado, approximately just less then 1/4 cup chopped red onion, one garlic clove, small handful of cilantro, one seeded and de-veined jalapeno, lemon juice and Himalayan salt to taste. All blended until smooth.
farmers market,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Things I Wonder: Mission Impossible
In 36 days I am departing for a half month trip to Europe. We will be going to Europe with a similar crew that we went to Beijing with last year. Except this time we will be traveling around in a car, which means luggage needs to be SMALL. In China I went OIC style (Only in China), I rocked shorts and tank tops, but for some reason when we go to Europe I want to feel TheSartorialist ready. I hoping I can pull together a plan to fit a fashionable and comfortable set (with room for purchases) into my 26" by 13.5" suitcase.
My closet for 16 days...Good thing I took tips from Kendi and her 30 day challenge!
And a sad reminder of my OIC looks from last year... they get progressively worse.
look of the day,
things i wonder,
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