Saturday, October 23, 2010

GIVEAWAY: $100 to Shopbop Winner

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Long time and loyal reader Lynn from the Actor's Diet!
Lynn blogged about the giveaway, became a follower on Twitter, Facebook and Google reader and she tweeted about the Giveaway!
Thank you Lynn!! All your entries paid off!
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Lynn mentioned that she would like to purchase some Jeggings.
Congratulations Lynn!
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Thank you to everyone who entered the GIVEAWAY! I was blown away by the number of entries (close to 400!!!)
And thank you to all my old and new readers!!!


  1. OH MY GOD!!!!!! YAY!!!!

    what do i do now?!?

  2. CONGRATS! Lucky gal! And PS_ I saw a Panda beanie at Urban and I totally thought of you!!!
