Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Day Seven: Praha Ah Ha Ha, Praha Ah Ha Ha
Day seven. I am currently in the car just arriving to Vienna. It's crazy how you can tell you are in a new country by the way the grass and hillsides on the side of the rode look. I wish I could figure out how to post pictures. We just stopped at the craziest amusement park in the Czech Repulic before we crossed the border. The rides here are so cool. Our last day in Prague was awesome as well. We spent the day walking around checking out all the sites again and hitting up new places as well. After we walked across st. Charles bridge we stopped by a famous John Lennon graffiti wall. Turns out at the exact time we chose to look at it Pete Best, the original drummer of The Beatles, was adding his signature to the wall. It was really random but cool to see the Czech paparazzi, an we are pretty sure Casey and Johnny ended up on the news. After that excitement we headed up to Petrin hill to view Prague from the the top of the observation tower, a smaller replica of the Eiffel tower. We ended our trip by eating some traditional Czech food, shopping and then drinking our last Czech beer and the Espana football game. All in all a fabulous time, nostrovi!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Days Four, Five and Six
This is our third day in Prague. It's been a blast so far. There is a lot more tourist action here but we managed to do a fair amount of off beaten path things, like going to a church decorated with human bones. Day one was abort since we drove that day. We spent that day cruising around the Czech Republic, when we got to Prague we headed down to the old town area to check out the castle and clock tower at night. It's too bad it has become such a tourist spot down there littered with people trying to scam you, clubs in ok churches and shady charaters. It's a beautiful place that people have taken advantage of. The scene down there is much better during the day, but still geared towards ripping off the tourists. Day two was spent checking out the castle and surrounding areas. We paused for a bit to watch the Germans win the soccer game. That evening we hit up a local dive bar, the locals there were very excited to have some Americans come in. It was nice to meet people interested in talking to us and not jut trying to scam us. Yesterday we drove about an hour outside Prague to a smaller city called Kutna Hora to check out the churches and castles there. The coolest thing there was the bone church we went to. For various reasons, a popular burial site and then a war and plague left the area with an large pile of bones. A monk with a lot of time on his hands began to make the bones into beautiful designs and structures. It was one of the craziest and coolest things I have ever seen. It was a bit creepy but such a unique church. I really enjoyed it. After checking out Kutna Hora we headed back to Prague and spent the evening walking around town. We hub up 2 famous breweries, one we ate dinner at. As part of the gimmick the waiters push drinks on you. You literally have to tell them no several times before they give up. The drinks aren't ordered but instead brought to your table with out asking. We made it out with only dinner and sampling their famous beer. After we headed to another famous spot where we sampled banana beer, real green beer and we had to order a giraffe. A giraffe is a 4 liter glass of beer that you can tap at your table and share. After that we walked off the beer and food while exploring the city. Today we will be hitting up the remaining places in Prague. It has been a lot f fun exploring the city where my Mom was born and raised even if it has changed so much.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day Three: One Down, Three to Go
We are just packing up to head out of Germany and drive over to Prague. We had an amazing time on Frankfurt. The weather was so nice and the people were hella cool. We started our day by going out for a late breakfast/early lunch. The owner of the restaurant was pretty excited to have a group of Americans come in and he hooked us up with a feast. The plates of food kept coming out, it was pretty awesome. We spent the rest of the day touring around Frankfurt and checking out the sites. And I managed to track down the special addition world cup Burger King crown in the colors of the German flag. We also checked out a church that was amazing, it was of the only buildings that wasn't destroyed by bombs in down town frankfurt. Our plan for the night was to go to a punk rock concert and watch Cyrus' brother's band play. I'm not going to lie, punk music is not my thing and I was pretty nervous about the whole thing. Luckily the night turned out to be awesome and the crowd was really nice, a lot nicer then they looked. It was such a cool experience and I met some really cool Germans. After the show We ended up going to the tourist bar scene where we rocked out to the 90's style music at the bars. Walking in was kind like a time warp. Our stay in Germany was so fun, I could have stayed longer. But we definitely made the most of our time here. I think we packed in as much as possible. I hope this car ride is safe and quick! One country down, three to go!
Friday, June 25, 2010 best dressed Reader of the Day
I may be out of the country but today I am's best dressed reader of the day. Thanks to the lovey ladies at glamour for the awesome feature!! Check it out here:
Day Two: This used to be a Fun House
Day two was pretty awesome as well. Wednesday was spent in Frankfurt adjusting to the time change and watching soccer while Thursday was spent in Aschaffenburg where we toured the Aschaffenburg castle, ate pretzels and drank some beer with some locals. Cyrus' brother lives in Frankfurt and spent 4 years living in Aschaffenburg so it was cool to have a guide. The castle was pretty cool but it was really sad that so much was destroyed during the wars and many of the things in the castle were replicas. It was gorgeous though. After spending the afternoon walking the streets and taking in the scene we ate a late lunch at the local brewery and then headed over the bridge to a festival. At the festival we enjoyed some beers in oversized stines, played some carnival games (including take a run through the fun house) and then we rode the ferris wheel where we able to get a fabulous view of the whole city. It was a pretty amazing day. We capped the day off by meeting some locals for a cola/beer drink. Kind of weird! We slept a ton last night and are well rested for our last full day in Germany. Today we are going to spend the day checking out What Frankfurt is like when the city isn't mesmerized by soccer. I still can't get over how crazy that was, it was so cool to see an entire city shut down to watch a sporting event. So far the trip has far exceeded my expectations. I miss you Mom!! Can't wait to share more adventures soon!
European vacation,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Day One:This Sh!t is Banana's
I'm working on about 40 hours with little to no sleep. The trip has been epic so far. Watching the USA and the Germany win their World Cup games has been amazing and has been like nothing I have ever seen before. I'm off for my first sleep on European soil and I hope I come back with a vengeance tomorrow!! Night!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Look of the Day: In the Jungle, The Mighty Jungle
I am currently at the airport waiting to get on myplane but here is a post I put together before I left.
The fabulous and fashionable Jessica of What I Wore recently hosted a safari fashion challenge, calling on bloggers to put together their best safari looks. Since I currently have been wearing nap-time clothes I jumped (remember jumping is good for my lungs) at the opportunity to play dress up and create a fun safari look. The first element I thought of was my Mom's vintage cheetah belt, which I immediately requested her to bring over. Really the cheetah belt set it off.
The fabulous and fashionable Jessica of What I Wore recently hosted a safari fashion challenge, calling on bloggers to put together their best safari looks. Since I currently have been wearing nap-time clothes I jumped (remember jumping is good for my lungs) at the opportunity to play dress up and create a fun safari look. The first element I thought of was my Mom's vintage cheetah belt, which I immediately requested her to bring over. Really the cheetah belt set it off.
Clearly I had a lot of fun with this challenge, here are my out-takes from my dress up session.

I am wearing, Kain Tank top, Urban Outfitters skirt, Giraffe Cashmere Scarf, Vintage Cheetah belt, Abercromebie Jacket, Vintage Clutch, Steve Madden Boots, Rodarte for Target Dress

I am wearing, Kain Tank top, Urban Outfitters skirt, Giraffe Cashmere Scarf, Vintage Cheetah belt, Abercromebie Jacket, Vintage Clutch, Steve Madden Boots, Rodarte for Target Dress
Check out Jessica's Blog for all of the submissions.
fashion challange,
Monday, June 21, 2010
Things I love: Out For The Count
It's the night before I leave and I am still packing, and putting together the loose ends. I'm just hoping I can sleep tonight! Tomorrow morning I'm off for our trip to Europe, and much like or trip to Beijing last year, we will be rolling with a similar crew of hooligans. Strangely enough this time all of our partners of crime were Casey's groomsmen. Casey has known them all for years, but they have also become some of my best friends as well. I'll be the only chick on board but I'm not too worried, I think I'll find plenty of time to hit up the shops. We are begin our trip by landing in Frankfurt to meet up with Cyrus' brother who lives there. After a few days there we plan to drive to Prague (my mother land), then onto Austria and we will then complete our trip in Venice. I'll be blogging as much as I can over there!
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Our Crew of Gypsy's last year:

Don't mind the OIC (Only In China) outfit.

And this year's crew:
Myself, Casey, Johnny, Eric and Cyrus
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Let the fun times begin!!
Myself, Casey, Johnny, Eric and Cyrus

Let the fun times begin!!
europe trip,
things I love
Look of the Day: Dude, You Just got Patty Slapped
If I ever was reborn in another decade I think it would be the seventies. That era always intrigued me. This weekend I took it back to the 70's via some cinema fun. After back to back nights of watching The Lords of Dogtown and Dazed and Confused, the 70's seriously influenced my outfits. Blockbuster really has a hold on me. My nights of movie watching immediately had me reaching for my bell bottoms and Ray Bans to throw on. Something about that era just gets to me, and when I watch movies from it, it overcomes me. Not to mention these weren't things I was planning on packing so they were fair game. Packing sucks, but that's another story.

And my movie watching outfit.
Victoria Secret Flannel, Rolling Stones tee, Forever 21 beret Juicy sweats.
Here's to Adidas shirts, knee socks, long hair and your BFF zipping you up in your favorite Bell Bottoms.
Victoria Secret Flannel, Rolling Stones tee, Forever 21 beret Juicy sweats.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Things I Love: My Dad
h a p p y. f a t h e r s. d a y
My Dad rocks. My whole life he has gone above and beyond to make sure I have absolutely everything I need. Last night he and my Step Mom Rena drove out my way to take my Mom, Casey and I out to Dinner. Not celebrate his awesomeness on this Father's Day weekend, but to take us our to dinner before our trip. But that's just my Dad for you, he always goes out of his way to make me happy.Ever since I was a kid my Dad encouraged me to dream big and set my goals high. In high school for my Senior project my Dad (and my mom) set up a trip for me to go to Huntington beach to job shadow a fashion designer at
Roxy Quicksilver, my FAVORITE brand at the time (more on that obsession here). As a teenager, obsessed with Roxy and Fashion Designing, that trip was one that I will never ever forget. And I will never forget how my parents encouraged me to have such big dreams. Thank you Taylor for reminding me of my Roxy love.
As an adult he still does so much for me, and that includes telling anyone and everyone he knows about my blog. He even offered to take over and help out with the blog when I am on my trip, but I'm not sure the internet is ready for that. Not to worry though, I would never let my #1 blog fan down (my Dad) and I will be updating on my trip. I love you Dad and am I so lucky to have you as my DAD!!!
Here's to your 28th year as a father!!
fathers day,
things I love
Friday, June 18, 2010
Look of the Day: Eat, Sleep, Blog
Is it really Friday? The days just all seem the same to me. I suppose that not such a far out thing to say considering I mainly do the same thing everyday, eat, rest and when I am up, read blogs. The only other thing I have really been doing lately is walking. I have really upped my walking distances lately, partly because I miss working out and mainly because I have to make sure my stamina and lung capacity is up and ready for my trip. And well clearly after my walks I need to eat and then well, sleep. Every time my Mom stops by, she points out I haven't done anything around the house, seriously I am not far off when I say eat, sleep, blog.
Lauren Conrad for Kohls Cardigan, COH Ava Jeans, American Apparel Deep V tee, Cynthia Vincent for target sandals.
My eating, sleeping and blogging attire.

Look of the Day: I got to Say, Today Was a Good Day
The Lakers beat the Supersonics Celtics
If you're a basketball fan your day may have been defined by the outcome of last night's game. I, myself, had a pretty good day today, for more then one reason, and for once sports had nothing to do with it. But rather good news from the Doctor, I am finally making progress and am well on my way to recovery. Thank goodness because I am leaving for Europe on Tuesday!After my good news appointment I headed up to visit my Gma, who was released today from the hospital (Yay!) and also seems to be on her way to recovering. When we were waiting for my Gma to be released, my Dad stopped by and dropped off a care package from his coworker and her daughter, who read the blog! So sweet! And if that wasn't enough to make my day a happy one, Rosa, one of my twitter buddies, and a loyal blog reader and commentator on many blogs (but does not have her own blog...YET) sent me an email with a link to a birthday present she had sent to me from Etsy!!
I was shocked BLOWN away by the thoughtful gifts I received today! Thank you Ladies! After a couple crummy weeks it was so nice to have a day full of good news and sweet surprises. It's amazing how gestures like that can really make your day. Likewise, your team winning can make (or break) your days as well.
My outfit was much like yesterday's jeggings (I'm addicted and they seem to be the best choice to wear in this weather and inside the freezing hospital), a loose tee, and lots of rings and things.
I love how they make an outfit fun and keep the sun off my face.
and Cynthia Vincent for target sandals.
Did anyone else have this art set when you put beads on little pegs and then iron them and they all melt together? I loved that art set!
How cute is this gift?
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Look of the Day: Rings on Her Fingers, Bells on Her Toes
A week after I left the hospital my Gma is back in the same hospital I was at for a knee replacement surgery. It's actually pretty good timing because I had to be at the hospital today and tomorrow for follow up appointments. So my Mom and I were able to stop into today and will see her again tomorrow. My poor Mom has spent about 3 weeks in that hospital taking care of me and now my Grandma. Here's to hoping I get good news at my appointment tomorrow AND hopefully my Gma will be able to go home as well. My mom deserves a break!
Speaking of my Gma, I have mentioned before that she is one of my style icons and has taught me a whole lot about style. She always wears fun and funky outfit even at 81, and after this knee surgery she will be back to rocking outfits soon enough. I think she is just as miserable as I was rocking those horrible hospital gowns. Today I wore a few rings that remind me of the ones my Gma always wears. And the necklace I wore was one of the presents my Gma gave me for my birthday. They were the perfect things to wear when visiting her today!
My head scarf was necessary to hide my greasy hair, sad to say that showers aren't daily with the catheter in my arm. It's such a pain to take them!
Really exited not to have hospital bracelets as accessories anymore!
Splendid top, J Brand Jeggings, Free People Cardigan, Cynthia Vincent for target sandals.
Speaking of my Gma, I have mentioned before that she is one of my style icons and has taught me a whole lot about style. She always wears fun and funky outfit even at 81, and after this knee surgery she will be back to rocking outfits soon enough. I think she is just as miserable as I was rocking those horrible hospital gowns. Today I wore a few rings that remind me of the ones my Gma always wears. And the necklace I wore was one of the presents my Gma gave me for my birthday. They were the perfect things to wear when visiting her today!
My Gma inspired ring and things.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Look of the Day: The Day After My Birthday Is Not My Birthday, Mum
I feel better!! Can you see me jumping up and down? Well the mere fact I am jumping should mean something. In any case does the day after your birthday feel weird to anyone else? After a day of opening presents, eating cake and having people you haven't heard from in 10 years write on your Facebook wall, today just seems mundane. I guess it's time for Donald and I to step aside and let Neil Patrick Harris and all the other June fifth-teeners to have their time.
Nonetheless, this was outfit was what I rocked on my birthday and it was all items gifted to me from my lovely Mother. In case if I haven't mentioned it before, my Mom pretty much rocks. For my birthday she took Casey, myself and my oldest and dearest friend Mandy out to my very favorite tapas restaurant. We rang in my 28th year with local food, fond memories and even some WINE!! Yup, that's how good I felt! It's nice to being back to feeling like normal person! And I suppose that's exactly how I felt today. Just like a normal person, no longer the special person, or birthday girl.
Free People Apron top, J Brand Jeggings (seriously get some!) and woo hoo WEDGES!!
My 12th Street Cynthia Vincent ones for that matter.
Nonetheless, this was outfit was what I rocked on my birthday and it was all items gifted to me from my lovely Mother. In case if I haven't mentioned it before, my Mom pretty much rocks. For my birthday she took Casey, myself and my oldest and dearest friend Mandy out to my very favorite tapas restaurant. We rang in my 28th year with local food, fond memories and even some WINE!! Yup, that's how good I felt! It's nice to being back to feeling like normal person! And I suppose that's exactly how I felt today. Just like a normal person, no longer the special person, or birthday girl.
My 12th Street Cynthia Vincent ones for that matter.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Look of the Day: It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To
I wrote this post yesterday but apparently I never pressed publish.
Thank you for all my birthday wishes!!
When I was little I used to cry the night before my birthday because I would never be that age again. Strange, I know. Most kids probably felt like it was Christmas Eve the night before their birthday but no, I was the child reflecting that I would never ever be Seven again. Perhaps that is why I had to step outside during my small birthday celebration with my family yesterday. Maybe I needed to cry because yesterday was in fact the last day I would be 27. Or maybe it the culmination of me feeling sorry for myself (which we found out can be cured by purchasing a fun dress). In any case I needed a little cry before I went back inside to eat cake, open presents, watch the Giants win and toast to my health and birthday. After all that excitement my cry was long behind me, so were my thoughts of reflecting on my 27th year.Thank you for all my birthday wishes!!
Here's to year 28 and all it may hold for me.
This Urban Outfitters Dress is is so comfortable and the perfect thing to wear on a hot day, and the perfect birthday Eve dress.
Shoes have been something that I haven't really needed much of recently. Although Chloe recommenced I pick up some bunny slippers.
a moment in time,
urban oufitters
Monday, June 14, 2010
Things I love: June 14th, Flag Day
This birthday won't be nearly as epic as last years. But eating Birthday cake with chop sticks and having two official birthdays (due to the time zones) is hard to top. I think the celebrating I did last year could last me a lifetime. Happy Flag Day!!
For june 14th on Beijing time We were invited over to our friend's grandparents house for a tradition Chinese feast. They made us a huge feast of dumplings, shrimp, sliced beef and all sorts of other goodies. after eating a colossal amount of dumplings (my friend johnny ate 22!!) they force fed us a banana and cake!! I have never been so full in my life.
We then hit up the Beijing Zoo, another experience (for different reasons) I will never forget.
We stopped by an area full of rickshaws. I paid the driver to let me drive it, just like my Dad did when visited Beijing. It was hard!!

h a p p y. b i r t h d a y. t o. m e
June 14th 2009 Beijing Time
June 14th 2009 Beijing Time
flag day,
things I love,
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