Happy Monday Everyone. I hope your weekend was a good one. Mine was a bit of a roller coaster. It started off nice on Friday night when we headed to a Warriors game with some of our friends, they lost but it was still a good game. Then Saturday morning right before I was leaving for Yoga I noticed Pennie Lane missing. While Pennie is an indoor cat we typically let her out for some exercise and sunshine weekend mornings. She has never left the yard before, and doesn't attempt to even climb the fences but on Saturday she helped herself to a little adventure. We were mainly worried because she didn't have a collar on, and like I said she had never left the yard before. We spent most of Saturday scouring the neighborhood and searching for our missing kitty. Silly little kitty gave us a good scare, but luckily she showed up Sunday morning at about 5 am covered in mud - like crazy amounts of mud.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Look of the Day: Pennie Lane is in My Ears and in My Eyes
lok of the day,
pennie lane
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Things I Love: The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree
Happy Birthday Dad!
My Dad is my biggest supporter and always encourages me to dream big. My Dad is also the reason why I love to shop, am an Elvis fan and have a thing for costume changes. I love my Dad so much and so lucky to have such a great Dad.
I hope you have a good birthday Dad, it was fun celebrating with you last week!
My Dad is my biggest supporter and always encourages me to dream big. My Dad is also the reason why I love to shop, am an Elvis fan and have a thing for costume changes. I love my Dad so much and so lucky to have such a great Dad.
I hope you have a good birthday Dad, it was fun celebrating with you last week!
happy birthday,
things I love
Friday, January 28, 2011
Look of the Day: Not Your Average
"Don't think you're on the right road just because it’s a well-beaten path. "
Every once in awhile I see a item of clothing, a pair of shoes, or a piece of jewelry, that stands out to me so much. I have to have it. For instance my new Marc by Marc Jacobs purse. For a girl who doesn't own a collection of purses, was pink a practical color to buy? Maybe not, but I didn't think about that; I just loved it so much it didn't matter - and I've worn it every day since. I find that the items that I fall in love with at first sight are the pieces I wear the most, I receive the most compliments for and are the longest standing pieces that I own. I purchased this coat about four years ago and it is still one of my favorite pieces. While it doesn't get worn a whole lot in the California weather, when it does get worn, it gets noticed. I had quite a few people ask me where I got my jacket and I felt a little bad when I told them that it's not longer available, but it's kind of nice to know you're not going to be wearing the same {black} jacket as everyone else on the block. So go dig up some old favorites in your closet, search around on Ebay or hit your local vintage store. Go find something to make yourself stand out in the crowd.

While the jacket was needed for the foggy morning, I shed it later in the day when the sun and warmth came out.

I love the button back that this blouse has.

Juicy Jacket (similar Juicy coat with faux fur in red), Citizens of Humanity Morrison jeans, Urban Outfitters Blouse (similar color,
and with a similar button back)and my go-to Deena and Ozzy boots.

Sometimes it's nice to reach for anything other then typical, don't you agree?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Look of the Day: Looking Ahead
The New Year seemed to welcome us just yesterday but we're almost a month in and I'm still in prep mode for 2011. I've been making lists, spread sheets and filling my calendar with my plans and goals for the year. For me, it's kind of crazy to think that there are only 49 weekends left in 2011 to squeeze in everything I want to do this year. While I like to be a free spirit and keep plans open, it's more realistic for me to make a layout of my goals and hopes for the year visually - and then make a budget and schedule to match accordingly. I hope to pack in as much as I can this year, and meet as many of you lovely ladies as possible!
Thanks for all your positive feedback about my Featherlocks. I love them and I can't wait to get a bit more. Check out ProFreshStyle's blog to see how they look in darker hair.
Thanks for all your positive feedback about my Featherlocks. I love them and I can't wait to get a bit more. Check out ProFreshStyle's blog to see how they look in darker hair.
Forever 21 Skirt, Lauren Conrad for Kohl's blouse, Cardigan from Nordstrom and Nine West Boots.
This is one weekend I don't have any plans though. Any fun plans for you?
And to my East Coast friends - stay safe in that snow!
And to my East Coast friends - stay safe in that snow!
Dreaming Of: Retro Pool Parties
This morning I started to get the hankering for throwing a retro pool party.
Is it too early to be planning my pool parties?
Is it too early to be planning my pool parties?

I imagine I would have to have some chilled Coke in glass bottles, and perhaps a punch bowl - just don't blame me if it gets spiked!
And I'll be sure to serve some '50's appetizers before I fire up the grill.
Naturally, I'll don some cat eyes and a retro inspired swimsuit.
Perhaps this look, a 'la the original '59 Barbie.

Perhaps this look, a 'la the original '59 Barbie.

Via http://everybodysfree.tumblr.com/
click photos to be linked to their sources
click photos to be linked to their sources
So darlings, who wants to join me? Just don't forget your beach ball.
Bonus points if you arrive in a '57 turquoise Bel Air!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Flowers of the Week: Fresh Cuts
One of the reason I love having fresh flowers around my house is because I love the way they smell. But that's not the only reason, I also love their bright and vivid colors. And to be honest, it is nice to have some nature inside the house. Fresh flowers also remind me that beauty and life only last so long, so I need to enjoy them while they last - just one reason I photograph every bouquet I have.
While this week's 'flowers' aren't actually flowers, they still add the same vibe to my kitchen; and fulfill my need for something fresh, bright and alive, to make me happy. This cilantro from the farmers market and the lemons from my backyard brighten up not only my kitchen; but also my mood, meals and palette.
Yoda Martha taught me years ago, to store fresh herbs in vases like flowers.
While this week's 'flowers' aren't actually flowers, they still add the same vibe to my kitchen; and fulfill my need for something fresh, bright and alive, to make me happy. This cilantro from the farmers market and the lemons from my backyard brighten up not only my kitchen; but also my mood, meals and palette.
Things I love: Fire & Ice
Recently I received a package from Revlon containing their new Fire and Ice lipsticks and nail polishes. I am loving the bright fun colors and I hope to try out some fun lip color a'la Alicia {Cheetah is the New Black}. Her post from yesterday has me daring to try the orange color, we shall see if I am brave enough!

{Siren, Fire & Ice, Temptress, Demure}
I think these bright colors will be perfect for spring!

{from top left top bottom right: Temptress, All Fired Up, Siren, and Demure}
Thanks Revlon for my awesome package and make sure to check out your local drug store for the new line of Fire & Ice products!

{Siren, Fire & Ice, Temptress, Demure}
I think these bright colors will be perfect for spring!

{from top left top bottom right: Temptress, All Fired Up, Siren, and Demure}
Thanks Revlon for my awesome package and make sure to check out your local drug store for the new line of Fire & Ice products!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Things I Love: Stuck a Feather in My Cap
And call me Macaroni!
Yesterday Jen put some Featherlocks hair extensions in my hair and I just love the results. Right now I have four in - two on each side - and I love them. They are very subtle right now but I plan to add more to give it more of a kick. Here is the result so far.
Yesterday Jen put some Featherlocks hair extensions in my hair and I just love the results. Right now I have four in - two on each side - and I love them. They are very subtle right now but I plan to add more to give it more of a kick. Here is the result so far.

I have very thin and fine hair so I was really worried about the 'bead' showing but so far it hasn't been an issue.

The Featherlocks are washable, dry-able and you can curl and straighten them.
If you are in the Bay Area and are interested, shoot me an email {Ambersnotebook@gmail.com}, leave a comment in this thread or fan Jen on Facebook.
Jen can book in salon appointments, feather parties and Monday mobile services throughout the bay!
things I love
Look of the Day: Layered Lace
On Sunday my Step Mom, Rena, took my family out to lunch to celebrate my Dad and Uncle's birthdays. It was still very nice out and downtown where we were eating were buzzing with excitement for the Football playoffs. We shared sushi and stories and enjoyed the Sunday afternoon together.
I took advantage of the nice weather and wore a skirt. The second layer of lace tights (over a pair of black ones) was a last minute addition and they made all the difference. I received the most compliments of the day for my tights.

Urban kirt and top, Nordstrom Cardigan, Forever 21 Tights and Deena and Ozzy Boots.

I just came up with a Let's Make a Steal Idea, and my goal is to make it this week.
What is one goal you have for yourself this week?
I took advantage of the nice weather and wore a skirt. The second layer of lace tights (over a pair of black ones) was a last minute addition and they made all the difference. I received the most compliments of the day for my tights.

Urban kirt and top, Nordstrom Cardigan, Forever 21 Tights and Deena and Ozzy Boots.

I just came up with a Let's Make a Steal Idea, and my goal is to make it this week.
What is one goal you have for yourself this week?
deena and ozzy boots,
look of th day
Monday, January 24, 2011
Look of the Day: The History Channel
It may be Monday but I'm still thinking about my weekend. I woke up sore from my Sunday morning yoga and still have pictures from my lunch with my family to download. On Saturday I spent my morning coaching my OM team and then in the evening Casey and I got a quick bit to eat, but not before settling in and watching a good 4 hours of the history channel. Casey and I love the History Channel. Our favorite shows include American Pickers and Top Gear. We also love their specials. On Saturday we watched The Third Reich: The Rise and the Fall. Hard to watch at some points but very interesting.

Free People Coat and Headband, Urban Outfitters dress {similar} w/ H&M skirt on top, and Nine west boots {similar}.

And if you don't already, make sure to follow me on Facebook or Twitter.
I micro-blog over there!

Are you a History channel fan like us?
I was still playing with patterns on Saturday, I have been trying to play with different hair styles as well.

Free People Coat and Headband, Urban Outfitters dress {similar} w/ H&M skirt on top, and Nine west boots {similar}.

And if you don't already, make sure to follow me on Facebook or Twitter.
I micro-blog over there!

Are you a History channel fan like us?
free people,
history channel,
look of the day,
mixed prints,
print mixing,
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Look of the Day: Fresh Air
The weather in California has been unusually spring-like and I have using it as an excuse to unplug from technology and go outside. On Friday afternoon I enjoyed some Vitamin D while I walked around Berkley with my friends, Vanessa and Courtney. We strolled around and treated ourselves to a raw/vegan lunch at Cafe Gratitude, and had a blast. Cafe Gratitude is a restaurant that is all about being healthy and happy -- inside and out. And we sure felt that energy after leaving.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Look of the Day: Perfectly Pinned
Yesterday I went out to dinner with my girlfriends V, Jen and Annie. Annie just got back from a trip to Japan, Thailand and Singapore, so it was fun to hear about her experiences-- which included feeding a baby tiger and elephant. She also gave us some souvenirs. Thanks Annie!
My experimentation with pattern mixing patterns continued yesterday as I mixed stripes and gingham.

Nordstom Cardigan, Rodate for Target striped shirt, Abercrombie button up, Citizens of Humanity Jeans and Deena and Ozzy boots.

The outfit was missing a little something so I added a big flower, Emerson Made style.
It made all the difference!

Happy Friday! Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?
My experimentation with pattern mixing patterns continued yesterday as I mixed stripes and gingham.

Nordstom Cardigan, Rodate for Target striped shirt, Abercrombie button up, Citizens of Humanity Jeans and Deena and Ozzy boots.

The outfit was missing a little something so I added a big flower, Emerson Made style.
It made all the difference!

Happy Friday! Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?
deena and ozzy boots,
look of the day,
mixed prints
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Look of the Day: Decades Collide
If you couldn't tell by my last post I am totally feeling the Seventies vibe that is going on this spring. I've even been brushing up on my favorite Seventies movies, like Love Story, Annie Hall, and Bullitt, to get in the mood. While this outfit isn't really 70's inspired it did have me feeling a little like Ali McGraw in Love story, so I threw on some glasses like her for fun.
Expect to see lots of seventies inspired fashion here on the blog this spring. It's the perfect time for this trend to be hot, because the husband's '71 Challanger should be all nice and refurbished by spring. Which means I'll be cruising around town pretending I live in that era. I guess I should start busting out my vintage pyrex now...

H&M jeggings {similar}, Forever 21 Sweater, Nordstrom BP button up shirt {similar}, Deena and Ozzy Boots {only $39 now}, Forever 21 specs.

the one and only.

Expect to see lots of seventies inspired fashion here on the blog this spring. It's the perfect time for this trend to be hot, because the husband's '71 Challanger should be all nice and refurbished by spring. Which means I'll be cruising around town pretending I live in that era. I guess I should start busting out my vintage pyrex now...

H&M jeggings {similar}, Forever 21 Sweater, Nordstrom BP button up shirt {similar}, Deena and Ozzy Boots {only $39 now}, Forever 21 specs.

the one and only.

What decade's fashion inspires you the most?
'71 challenger,
deena and ozzy boots,
forever 21,
H and M,
look of the day,
love story
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Style Icon: An Hermes Handbag and Four Inch Tips Made of Ostrich
I, for one, am so excited for the Seventies-style fashion that will be trending this spring. I love all things retro, colorful and bell. Revisiting that decade's style means I will be looking to one of my style icons, Jane Birken, for inspiration. And I hope to rely on many trips to the thrift store for authentic pieces.
Perhaps a fringe bang cut as well??
jane birkin,
mickey avalon,
style icon
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