Friday, February 12, 2010

Style Icon: I want your horror, I want your design

In honor of the late and great Alexander McQueen I decided to share some pictures of my favorite ladies wearing his designs. Most recently I loved the dynamic relationship that Lady Gaga and him had. His designs perfectly reflected her artistic abilities in the form of extreme clothes and shoes. I think the Bad Romance video will be a bitter sweet remembrance of how the two artist inspired each other.
This muse and artist relationship was tragically cut too short...
Image still I took From the Bad Romance Video
Image still I took From the Bad Romance Video
Image still I took From the Bad Romance Video
And I promised not to post this again, but I had to today, so this will be the last time I post it, I promise! My DIY knockoff of Lady Gaga's outfit she wore when accepting her VMA designed by Alexander McQueen. Although my version does not the McQueen version justice.
Lady Gaga must have a huge whole in heart now... =(

And other not so extreme looks I love. I always regretted not getting my hands on this McQueen romper.
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The Famous McQueen skull scarf. My friend Wendy picked one up yesterday, I may have to get my hands on one as well.
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Nicole always look fabulous in his dresses. Just the right amount of edge.
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Or a the perfect bohemian vibe.
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This shirt as Seen on Jessica Simpson is the only McQ item I own and I happen to be wearing it today. It's been a while since I wore it but I went and dug it up yesterday.
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His spirit will forever live on through his designs. Such a sad start to Fashion week...


  1. I LOVE that 1st picture of Nicole!

  2. ..I cant believe it happen ..his fashion is true art ..forever..

  3. I was so sad yesterday because of this great loss. I love his designs (especially the dress NIcole is wearing in the last picture). Thank you for such a great post.

  4. So tragic:( His contribution to fashion definitely will not be forgotten.

    On a lighter note...I LOVE Lady Gaga. That is definitely one of my favorite videos...her style in it was just amazing.
