Living a green lifestyle is something that is very important to me. At one point I may or may not have had a
blog about my green efforts although after a substantial break, I now shop at Forever 21.
So it's so cool to see how Earth Day has grown and how many companies get involved now -- lots of free coffee refills for people with reusable cups today to fuel you through your Friday today!
I know you're seeing this all over the web but Here are my Favorite ways to stay green:
#1. Reusable Shopping Bags: they are everywhere now. I keep some in my trunk and some stashed in my purse. Or at least when shopping reuse the bags you get at places like H&M and Forever 21 or don't get a new bag at every place you shop at.
#2. Reuse THEN Recycle: I try to reuse things before just putting them in the recycling bin.
For example, jars. I save almost every glass I use. I use them in my kitchen to store things like lentils, rice, grains, and oatmeal. I think they make my pantry look so much nicer and I can see what exactly I have, and when you paint the lids they look really cute! I also use glass jars to store my crafting items and as vases. They are also perfect to make DIY cookie mixes and such for Christmas. I could go on and on, seriously, I never recycle my jars until they break, and I can never have enough of them I always find a use for them.
#3. Eat Local and organic:It doesn't matter if it's one item in your cart that is local or organic or just one herb or plant on your windowsill, or go to one restaurant because they serve local food. It's something.
Go to farmers markets, plant a garden, put a tomato plant in a pot, read your labels. Think about starting with what you put into your own body, and let it domino from there.
#4 Buy Used or VintageIt's fun, cool, interesting and so rewarding. I love buying something that has a history to it.
#5 Make one Goal or ChangeExamine your lifestyle and make one minor change or adjustment.
Turn your shower off when you shave. Buy a reusable water bottle or coffee mug. Plan your shopping trips out so you're not driving all over town. Start reading the newspaper online
(I just read the already read on at work and my mom shares her Sunday paper with me) Buy a used book on Amazon instead of a new on at Barnes and Noble. Make an effort to be concious of how much you use, how much you waste and what changes you can make.
I could go on but I'll stop there, I love new ideas so please tell me what are your favorite ways to stay to stay green or what is one new thing you will be doing to stay green?
Have a happy and green Friday everyone!!