After months of watching
Holly Berry transform unwanted
Craigslist finds into
gorgeous pieces, I finally decided to try my hand on one. Or I mean, convince Casey to paint something for me. If you haven't checked out
Holly's blog make sure you do, the girl has a great eye and her gorgeous pictures serve as great inspiration. I am so bummed my before pictures of my craft station, a hideous
craiglist find, were deleted somehow. So here are the after pics of my craft area, that Casey
finished painting this weekend. I, myself, am no Holly but I have a good painter on hand to assist me! I did though spend my afternoon filling my craft station up with all my wanna be Martha Craft Items. This is how it looks for now, I was so excited to set it up I'm sure it will evolve with time though.
EDIT: Before Picture as recovered!
This is the after pic, much better then before it was painted white by Casey.

Filled with Wanna Be Martha items.

Can you Picture me rolling? Oh wait that was
Can you picture me blogging here? Well I am ;)

Crayola's serve as a source of creative color. They also serve as a reminder of the Last Lecture's Randy
Pausch's idea to keep a crayon in your pocket when you need to be reminded of your childhood dreams. Day Dream Believer.

Craft paper and card stock. I make my own cards, no need to buy Hallmarks here.

Inspiration Binders and Notebooks.

The Black and White covered binders just happen to be in one of my inspiration notebooks, a Pottery Barn Catalog pic circa 2004.